Welcome to The Arun Lodge, a Brighton based Freemason's Lodge. Consecrated in 1957, under charter of The United Grand Lodge of England, Arun Lodge is considered by many to be the most friendly and welcoming Lodge in Sussex.
This site is designed to keep our members, guests and non-Masons up-to-date and informed about the Lodge's activities, and make it easier for those interested in joining to find out more.
On behalf of all the officers and members of Arun Lodge, I would like to welcome you to the Arun Lodge and our website.
I can honestly say that you will not find a more friendly bunch of chaps than those in our Lodge. Please feel free to have a look around our site, and if you have any questions or would like to know more about us, or are interested in joining, don't hesitate to give us a shout and we will be more than happy to chat.
Yours Sincerely & Fraternally,
W. Bro J Farrar
Worshipful Master
Arun Lodge
To make good people, better. The members of The Arun Lodge come from a diverse range of backgrounds, from Jewellers to Train Drivers, Plumbers to Hedge Fund Managers, but we all have one thing in common, that of wanting to form new friendships and to help others. This is what we feel Freemasonry is all about.
At its heart, it is a social club, where like-minded gentlemen come to enjoy each others company, share similar experiences and eat and drink together. We meet formally five times a year in Brighton, where we perform our ceremonies and afterwards enjoy a meal together. Outside of this, there are many social events for both for Masons and their families, from day's out, ladies nights, inter-masonic county cricket and golf matches, gala events and charity fundraising days to name just a few. In addition, visiting is a big part of Freemasonry and a lot of us visit other Lodges, both in Sussex and further afield.
Our doors are always open to people who are interested in learning more about what Freemasonry is, or are interested in joining the fraternity. There are a few basic pre-requisites one must meet before being eligible however. They are
A person of at least 18 years
No criminal record
Has a belief in a superior being, of any description
Please use the link below to find out more about becoming a Freemason, or get in touch and a member of our Lodge would be more than happy to have a chat with you.